So this weekend that just pasted I went to New Jersey to meet up with my photo school friends from Hallmark Institute of Photography. I haven't seen all of these people in about 3 months and it was a great to have spent a weekend with them.

We stayed at Michael Esposito's house who is a great photographer check out is site The house gorgeous and is right on the water with a great view and an awesome breeze.
Just about a block way from the house there is a beautiful lighthouse, that we up to the top in, on Saturday. From the top there was a great view of the beach and the ocean. When at the bottom we started to talk to old lady that was sitting next us and she told us that she was there on a friends weekend out, just like us. She told us that she and her friends have been doing these friend weekends once a month for 50 years now. Knowing that gives us great hope to know that we will be Hallmark friends for a long time.
After the light house we walked on the beach and reconnected and talked about our plans for our future. Even thou we all have different plans and are going to live in different place we plan on still staying in touch with each other. Another reason this weekend was so great is because we was all in a house full of photographers and we all understand why we are so passionate with photos and didn't look at each other strange when some one said "OH look at that light!!!", like back at school.
Over all it was a great weekend in a charming place and with beautiful friends.
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