To cross the border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua we had to walk on a cemented walk way that had fences on both sides and the top, for about 15 minutes. When we got to the end of this walk way we had to cross threw a hole in a fence. As we waited in the extreme heat for our papers to go threw immigration, the Ministry of Tourism of Nicaragua (INTUR) came our salvation to pick to us up. They had us get on school bus were they had food and cold drinks that we highly need.
From the border INTUR drove us to Granada were they took us to a museum and explained about the indigenous people that lived in the area. At the museum they also showed us these huge statues of human figures with the head of different animals on top of their heads. These statutes were found on the Island Zapatera that is located in the Lake of Nicaragua.
After they had explained about all the statues and the culture of the people that had crated them they gave us typical food and took us to a school were we was going to sleep.
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