This weekend I drove back up to Rhode Island because a very close friend, Moises Rodriguez or Moi as our group of friends call him, is fighting his first major mma(mixed martial arts) fight in Boston. I'm very close to Moi and we push each other very hard to succeed in what we love, for him mma and for me photography. I always telling him he should just keep on trying to take his fighting to the next level and he tells me the same. Once I realized I could start to tell Moi's story threw photographer I jump on the opportunity. About a year ago I was able to go see him fight, at this event he had to fight not only once but twice in the same day winning both of them. The image below I took after his fights when he was getting his hands unwrapped by one of his couches.

I drove up to Rhode Island on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd and the first place I went to when I got into the state was to the USA Karate MMA in Providence were Moi was training, he had lost 7 pounds and need 10 more. There he was hitting the bag, jump roping, as well as shadow boxing. Moi had not ate anything since the night before and couldn't till the next day after the weight in.

On Thursday, Nov 4th I picked up Moi to drive up to Qunicy MA. were his weight in was being held. Before picking him up Moi had me pick up a pack of gum because he was going to use it to crew on to be able to make more silva and spit it into a bottle. He was at 139 and had to drop to 135 by the time our hour ride up to Quincy ended.
Once we got to the location which was a bar, he had to fill out some paper work, pay sum dues, and then was able to weight in. Moi took of all his clothing off but his boxers and stepped up on scale, he was still at 139 and a half.

So now the organizers of the fight had to call Moi's opponent and see what he wanted to do. They offered Moi to lose one pound in a hour, he had to weight in again the next day before the fight and could not weight more then 140. Moi called his trainer explained what had happened and his trainer told him to denied that offer because that would mean he could not be able to eat again for a whole day and would not be able to fight at a hundred percent. So his last option was to try to go find a place we he could do some exercise to lose the extra pounds and then come back to the bar to weight in again.
The first place were we went to was a YMCA in Quincy but they lady at the front desk was really rude and would not let us use the facilities even if Moi signed up for a membership. So we left the YMCA and did not know were to go, I noticed the high school was across the street and I thought to my self they have to have a gym and training room there so I told Moi to fallow me. We walked in and asked some of the students were the gym was on our way there we talk to a teacher, explained what was going on and if he knew to who we would have to talk to. He was very friendly and took us to the gym and even talked to the football couches that were having practice inside because of the rain. They told us it was okay and Moi began to run laps around the gym for the 30 min that we had left till we had to be back to get weighted again. Moi ran about a mile and a half and did some shadow boxing.

When we got back to the the bar he had to go straight the scale. After the hour he had only dropped a pound and a half, the organizers had to call Moi's opponent again and try to work something out. At the end they said the fight would still go on the next the day but Moi had to give up his share of money for selling four tickets he had sold to people coming to see the fight, Moi agreed and there will be a fight.

After all that running around Moi and I met up with a friend were we are spending the night so we wont have to drive down to Rhode Island. Moi took a shower, and we went to eat at The Olive Garden. This was the first thing Moi was going to eat after 48 of starving him self.
Tomorrow, Nov. 5th is Moi's fight and I will be there by his side, out side that ring doing what I love most as he does what he loves most, cheering him on. Decanting a hundred percent of my attion to show how grate of a fighter, person, and friend he is. Keep an eye out for the images from the fight and to a great fighter.

Wish you the best of luck Moi, mad love Diego.
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