The night before the Ministry of Tourism of Nicaragua(INTUR) took us to a dinner at a hotel were we sat pool side. Just a few minuets after we had arrived the power went out and we had to wait for a couple hours to be able to eat. As we waited the guys of the group went about trowing each other into the pool with their clothing on, I just strip down to my boxers and jumped in so I wouldn't give them the joy. After we ate a youth group dance typical dances for us and then they played music so we all could dance together.
The next day INTUR took us to a few more museums were we saw more archaeological artifacts. The problem with these museums is that they are just a building with a few artifacts in them and that's all, in my opinion if they gathered all the artifacts that each museum has and make a few large national museum it would help to get more tourism and would be easier for to tourist to get more out of their visit. After the museums we were taken to a few elementary schools.
At the school the children dance typical dances for us and we had time to interact with them. I think it's great that there is a goal to teach the youth about their past and customs, maybe they can help this wonderful country be more know in the world.
While we was at the bakery there was a child there, I'm guessing related to the owners or someone that works there. I was happy to see him there because it means he is learned how to make roscones and he will keep the costume going. I tried to get a good shot of him for a while until he stepped into open shade and the sun was bouncing of the cement in from of him giving me a nice fill as well as crating these wonderful long catch lights. I just had to get this shot.
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